1KW-10KW Home 12v inversor solar pv utia'al u inversor monofásico u CA monofásico
Wil asab fotos

Telecomunicaciones DC 48V 10000 Le inversor vatios 10 KVA le túumben generación soluciones inversor naaj yaan diseñada utia'al u jach yáax le aplicaciones comunicación, U jach adecuado utia'al u ka'anal confiabilidad le yaan comunicación. Le solución táan equipada yéetel juntúul fuente alimentación 110 V leti' 220 V leti' 230 V CA yéetel juntúul fuente alimentación 110 V CC, U chup le vacío ichil le fuente alimentación UPS xíiw yéetel le soluciones náats'al ti' inversores onda sinusoidal way 2400 W.

  • 12/220-1000MW
  • 12/220-2000MW

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Panel LCD display graphical representation instruction
1.1LCD display and function keys interface can display the equipment working status, such as: input/output voltage, frecuencia, grid mode, inverter mode, battery capacity, load capacity, alarm warning etc.

The horizontal small pure sine wave inverter outputs a sine wave alternating current, which is the same as or even better than the grid we use daily. in short. Pure sine wave inverters can provide high-quality AC and efficiency. High-stability pure sine wave output, high-frequency technology, Buka'aj chan, easy to carry, can drive most loads (such as household air conditioners, refrigerators, soymilk and other inductive load appliances) without interference

Guide ①-- Fan ②-- AC input/output termianl ③--AC input/output fuse holder ④--RS232 communication interface(optional function) ⑤--Battery terminal negative input terminal ⑥-- Battery terminal positive terminal ⑦-- Earth terminal



1. Estación telecomunicaciones leti' k'oja'ano'obo' leti' nu'ukulil u cable
2. Estación comunicación.
3. Chúumukil datos informático
4. Redes SCADA yéetel ti' u datos
5. K'oja'ano'obo' nu'ukul t'aan leti' nu'ukul-t'aan
6. Estaciones k'oja'ano'obo' radio leti' Emplazamientos celulares
7. Sala le múultuuno' monitoreo
8.Dispositivo WIFI le
9. Kiis buuts comunicación láakal
10. Ferrocarril & ya'al u náaka
11. Kaambalilo'ob ti' antenas distribuidas
12. Marino & K'a'nabo' táankab
13. Sistemas gestión kúuchilo'ob
14. Sistemas alarma xu'ullsa'al incendios
15. Utilidades eléctricas kaambalil yo'osal le yaan /campo
16. Páak'alo' leti' central eléctrica
17.T.u.m monitoreo energía
18.T.u.m energía solar
19.Yaan energía eólica

Ventajas le producto

Double CPU intelligent control technology, excellent performance
● The grid mode/energy-saving mode/battery mode could be set, application flexible
● Charge current/battery type could be set, convenient and practical
● Intelligent fan control, safe and reliable
● Pure sine wave AC output, and be adapt to all kinds of loads;
● LCD display equipment parameter in real-time, operation status be clear at a glance
● Output overload, Protección xu'ullsa'al cortocircuitos, various of automatic protection and alarm warning;

If you have some problems about 1KW-8KW Home 24v 12v inverter pv solar inverter to ac single phase ac single phase 15kw rack inverter, wa k'áato' K'ajóolt asab detalles yóok'ol le inversor telecomunicaciones montaje ti' bastidor,Yaan rectificador telecomunicaciones,Chúunul Inversor u onda sinusoidal way,INVERSOR Solar MPPT,Convertidor u CC u CC, etc. Bienvenido contactar k!

K pa'atik u consulta !


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Chatea yéetel kristin
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  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Bejla'e'
    In alegra yantalto'on k'a'am u t'aan, Ka lela' Kristin Reprendise teechi'